2024 RiverFest Events
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Sunrise Paddle
Sunday, July 7, 5:15am
A sunrise paddle along the Concord River through the Carlisle, Bedford and Billerica sections of Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, with a stop for a hearty breakfast at a casual riverside restaurant. Bring your own canoe or kayak and life jacket (required), appropriate clothing for a 2–3 hour paddle, binoculars if you have them, and drinking water. Meet at 5:15 AM at the Bedford Boat Landing (Rt. 225).
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07/07/2024 05:15 AM
07/07/2024 07:15 AM
Sunrise Paddle
Bedford Boat Landing, Bedford, MA
SuAsCo River Stewardship Council
Location: Bedford Boat Landing (Rt. 225), Bedford