2024 RiverFest Events
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Carlisle Trail Walk
Sunday, July 21, 1:00pm
Enjoy a 3.5 mile walk (~3 hours) through meadows and forests on trails paralleling the Concord River, starting at the Foss Farm conservation land and passing through Great Meadows Wildlife Refuge and the O’Rourke farm on the way to scenic Greenough Pond in the Greenough Conservation Land. Be prepared for wet conditions underfoot, bring drinking water and insect repellent. Light refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the walk. Dogs are not permitted in the Refuge. Meet at the Foss Farm parking lot, 0.3 mi west of the Concord River bridge on Rte. 225. For information, email Alan Ankers at .
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07/21/2024 01:00 PM
07/21/2024 04:00 PM
Carlisle Trail Walk
Foss Farm, Rt 225, Carslile, MA
SuAsCo River Stewardship Council
Location: Foss Farm Parking Lot