2024 RiverFest Events
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Natural History of the Sudbury River Walk.
Sunday, July 14, 10:00am
Enjoy the wonderful vistas of the meandering Sudbury River at Weir Hill, Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge with Neela de Zoysa, botanist and instructor at the Native Plant Trust. Be introduced to the glacial sculpting of Weir Hill and the Native American history of the location. Learn about the floodplain trees, swamps of buttonbush and red maple, ferns, graminoids and other herbaceous species. The location has great observation platforms, and boardwalks for examining plants. Bring a packed lunch to enjoy after the 2-hour walk. Meet in the refuge at 73 Weir Hill Rd.
Due to wet conditions, this event has been postponed from Saturday to Sunday!
This event registration has closed. (Saturday, July 13, 2024)
Location: Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, 73 Weir Hill Road, Sudbury